Eli Fulkerson .com HomeProjectsPix-ms-server-objects

Pix Object Groups for Microsoft Windows Server


These are object groups for the Cisco Pix firewall that implement the tcp/ip port requirements as defined in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article #832017. (Reference: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/832017) This is useful in segmented networks, too much of the documentation for Microsoft's Bizzaro server system assumes that nobody runs firewalls or limits traffic internally.

For the record, I am absolutely digusted that so many of these services require thousands of random ephemeral ports. I am aware that some of them can be modified to run under more strict conditions, but requiring 64510 unfirewalled ports to implement basic services is absolutely unforgivable from a strict security standpoint. An attacker could stick a rogue listening process on any one of these servers and connect to it, at will, from just about any other machine in the organization that uses that server's services. I'm annoyed just thinking about the design ramifications.


  • Cisco Pix
  • Config:

    object-group service ms_lsass_tcp tcp
      description : List of TCP ports that the LSASS service requires
      port-object eq 3269
      port-object eq 3268
      port-object eq ldap
      port-object eq ldaps
      port-object eq 135
      port-object range 1024 65534
    object-group service ms_lsass_udp udp
      description : List of UDP ports that the LSASS service requires
      port-object eq 389
      port-object eq 636
      port-object eq isakmp
      port-object eq 4500
    object-group service ms_alg_tcp tcp
      description : List of TCP ports that the ALG service requires
      port-object eq ftp
    object-group service ms_aspnet_state_tcp tcp
      description : List of TCP ports that the aspnet_state service requires
      port-object eq 42424
    object-group service ms_certsvc_tcp tcp
      description : List of TCP ports that the CertSvc service requires
      port-object eq 135
      port-object range 1024 65534
    object-group service ms_clussvc_tcp tcp
      description : List of TCP ports that the ClusSvc service requires
      port-object eq 135
      port-object range 1024 65534
    object-group service ms_clusssvc_udp udp
      description : List of UDP ports that the ClusSvc service requires
      port-object eq 3343
    object-group service ms_browser_tcp tcp
      description : List of TCP ports that the Browser service requires
      port-object eq netbios-ssn
    object-group service ms_browser_udp udp
      description : List of UDP ports that the Browser service requires
      port-object eq netbios-dgm
      port-object eq netbios-ns
    object-group service ms_dhcpdserver_udp udp
      description : List of UDP ports that the DHCPServer service requires
      port-object eq bootps
      port-object eq 2535
    object-group service ms_dfs_tcp tcp
      description : List of TCP ports that the Dfs service requires
      port-object eq netbios-ssn
      port-object eq ldap
      port-object eq 445
      port-object eq 135
      port-object range 1024 65534
    object-group service ms_dfs_udp udp
      description : List of UDP ports that the Dfs service requires
      port-object eq netbios-dgm
      port-object eq 389
    object-group service ms_trksvr_tcp tcp
      description : List of TCP ports that the TrkSvr service requires
      port-object eq 135
      port-object range 1024 65534
    object-group service ms_msdtc_tcp tcp
      description : List of TCP ports that the MSDTC service requires
      port-object eq 135
      port-object range 1024 65534
    object-group service ms_dns_tcp tcp
      description : List of TCP ports that the DNS service requires
      port-object eq domain
    object-group service ms_dns_udp udp
      description : List of UDP ports that the DNS service requires
      port-object eq domain
    object-group service ms_eventlog_tcp tcp
      description : List of TCP ports that the Eventlog service requires
      port-object eq 135
      port-object range 1024 65534
    object-group service ms_exchange_tcp tcp
      description : List of TCP ports that the Exchange service requires
      port-object eq imap4
      port-object eq 993
      port-object eq pop3
      port-object eq 995
      port-object range 1024 65534
      port-object eq 135
      port-object eq https
      port-object eq smtp
      port-object eq 6001
      port-object eq 6002
      port-object eq 6004
    object-group service ms_exchange_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the Exchange service requires
      port-object eq 25
    object-group service ms_fax_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the Fax service requires
      port-object eq netbios-ssn
      port-object eq 135
      port-object range 1024 65534
      port-object eq 445
    object-group service ms_ntfrs_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the NtFrs service requires
      port-object eq 135
      port-object range 1024 65534
    object-group service ms_macfile_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the MacFile service requires
      port-object eq 548
    object-group service ms_msftpsvc_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the MSFTPSVC service requires
      port-object eq ftp
      port-object eq ftp-data
      port-object range 1024 65534
    object-group service ms_httpfilter_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the HTTPFilter service requires
      port-object eq https
    object-group service ms_ias_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the IAS service requires
      port-object eq radius
      port-object eq radius-acct
      port-object eq 1813
      port-object eq 1812
    object-group service ms_sharedaccess_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the SharedAccess service requires
      port-object eq domain
    object-group service ms_sharedaccess_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the SharedAccess service requires
      port-object eq bootps
      port-object eq domain
    object-group service ms_kdc_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the kdc service requires
      port-object eq 88
    object-group service ms_kdc_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the kdc service requires
      port-object eq 88
    object-group service ms_licenseservice_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the LicenseService service requires
      port-object eq netbios-ssn
      port-object eq 445
    object-group service ms_licenseservice_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the LicenseServices service requires
      port-object eq netbios-dgm
    object-group service ms_msmq_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the MSMQ service requires
      port-object eq 1801
      port-object eq 2101
      port-object eq 2107
      port-object eq 2105
      port-object eq 2103
      port-object eq 135
    object-group service ms_msmq_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the MSMQ service requires
      port-object eq 1801
      port-object eq 3527
    object-group service ms_messenger_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the Messenger service requires
      port-object eq netbios-dgm
    object-group service ms_msexchangemta_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the MSExchangeMTA service requires
      port-object eq 102
    object-group service ms_onepoint_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the one point service requires
      port-object eq 51515
      port-object eq 1270
    object-group service ms_pop3svc_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the POP3SVC service requires
      port-object eq pop3
    object-group service ms_mssqlserver_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the MSSQLSERVER service requires
      port-object eq 1433
    object-group service ms_mssqlserver_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the MSSQLSERVER service requires
      port-object eq 1434
    object-group service ms_netlogon_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the Netlogon service requires
      port-object eq netbios-ssn
      port-object eq 445
    object-group service ms_netlogon_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the Netlogon service requires
      port-object eq netbios-dgm
      port-object eq netbios-ns
    object-group service ms_mnmsrvc_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the mnmsrvc service requires
      port-object eq 3389
    object-group service ms_nntpsvc_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the NNTPSVC service requires
      port-object eq nntp
      port-object eq 563
    object-group service ms_sysmonlog_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the SysmonLog service requires
      port-object eq netbios-ssn
    object-group service ms_spooler_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the Spooler service requires
      port-object eq netbios-ssn
      port-object eq 445
    object-group service ms_binlsvc_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the BINLSVC service requires
      port-object eq 4011
    object-group service ms_rpcss_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the RpcSs service requires
      port-object eq 135
      port-object eq 593
    object-group service ms_rpclocator_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the RpcLocator service requires
      port-object eq netbios-ssn
      port-object eq 445
    object-group service ms_remote_storage_user_link_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the Remote_storage_User_link service requires
      port-object eq 135
      port-object range 1024 65534
    object-group service ms_remote_storage_server_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the Remote_Storage_Server service requires
      port-object eq 135
      port-object range 1024 65534
    object-group service ms_remoteaccess_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the RemoteAccess service requires
      port-object eq pptp
    object-group service ms_remoteaccess_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the RemoteAccess service requires
      port-object eq 1701
    object-group protocol ms_remoteaccess_ip
      description : list of additional IP protocols that the RemoteAccess service requires
      protocol-object gre
      protocol-object ah
      protocol-object esp
    object-group service ms_lanmanserver_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the lanmanserver service requires
      port-object eq netbios-ssn
      port-object eq 445
    object-group service ms_lanmanserver_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the lanmanserver service requires
      port-object eq netbios-dgm
      port-object eq netbios-ns
    object-group service ms_sharepoint_portal_tcp tcp
      description : list of UDP ports that the SharePoint Portal Server requires
      port-object eq www
      port-object eq https
    object-group service ms_smtpsvc_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the SMTPSVC service requires
      port-object eq smtp
    object-group service ms_smtpsvc_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the SMTPSVC service requires
      port-object eq 25
    object-group service ms_simptcp_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the SimpTcp service requires
      port-object eq chargen
      port-object eq daytime
      port-object eq discard
      port-object eq echo
      port-object eq 17
    object-group service ms_simptcp_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the SimpTcp service requires
      port-object eq 19
      port-object eq 13
      port-object eq discard
      port-object eq echo
      port-object eq 17
    object-group service ms_wuser32_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that the Wuser32 service requires
      port-object eq 2703
      port-object eq 2701
      port-object eq 2702
      port-object eq 2704
    object-group service ms_wuser32_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the Wuser32 service requires
      port-object eq 2703
      port-object eq 2701
      port-object eq 2702
      port-object eq 2704
    object-group service ms_snmp_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the SNMP service requires
      port-object eq snmp
    object-group service ms_snmptrap_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that the SNMPTRAP service requires
      port-object eq snmptrap
    object-group service ms_sqlanalysis_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that are required by the SQL ANalysis Server
      port-object eq 2725
    object-group service ms_ssdprsr_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that are required by the SSDPRSR service
      port-object eq 2869
      port-object eq 5000
    object-group service ms_ssdprsr_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that are required by the SSDPRSR service
      port-object eq 1900
    object-group service ms_sms_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that are required by the SMS service
      port-object eq netbios-ssn
      port-object eq 135
      port-object range 1024 65534
    object-group service ms_sms_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that are required by the SMS service
      port-object eq netbios-dgm
      port-object eq netbios-ns
    object-group service ms_lpdsvc_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that are required by the LPDSVC service
      port-object eq lpd
    object-group service ms_tlntsvr_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that are required by the TlntSvr service
      port-object eq telnet
    object-group service ms_termservice_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that are required by the TermService service
      port-object eq 3389
    object-group service ms_termservlicensing_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that are required by the TermServLicensing service
      port-object eq 135
      port-object eq netbios-ssn
      port-object eq 445
      port-object range 1024 65534
    object-group service ms_tssdis_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that are required by the Tssdis service
      port-object eq 135
      port-object range 1024 65534
    object-group service ms_tftpd_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that are required by the tftpd service
      port-object eq tftp
    object-group service ms_upnphost_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that are required by the UPNPHost service
      port-object eq 2869
    object-group service ms_wins_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that are required by the WINS service
      port-object eq 42
    object-group service ms_wins_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that are required by the WINS service
      port-object eq netbios-ns
      port-object eq nameserver
    object-group service ms_wmserver_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that are required by the WMServer service
      port-object eq www
      port-object eq 1755
      port-object eq 554
    object-group service ms_wmserver_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that are required by the WMServer service
      port-object eq 1755
      port-object eq 2460
      port-object eq 5005
      port-object eq 5004
    object-group service ms_w32time_udp udp
      description : list of UDP ports that are required by the W32time service
      port-object eq ntp
    object-group service ms_w3svc_tcp tcp
      description : list of TCP ports that are required by the W3SVC service
      port-object eq www
      port-object eq https

    The object groups in .txt format

    The object groups in .txt, with port numbers rather than service names.