Eli Fulkerson .com Home

Eli Fulkerson

This is my personal site, nothing on it should be taken to represent any current or former employer.

Software Projects

Most popular: mturoute, tcping, tcproute, rawsniff, sounder

Most recent updates:


Other things that I've written.

Email Address:

This is an image of my email address.  If you can't see it and still need to contact me, you can take the domain of this website, chop off the www. and the .com and write to that email address at gmail and it should get to the right place.  Sorry for the cloak and dagger, but my sanity (re: spam) demands it.

Note that if you are sending me zipped patches or binary attachments the email server may quietly reject them. Try again with plain text if I do not respond.


  • My Resume
  • Condensed Portfolio
  • Linked In

  • Public Key:

    I am starting to sign my software with this gpg key. If it came from the download.elifulkerson.com subdomain it should have a signature and hashes next to it.


    Have I saved you time or money? Paypal Link or even better - donate at bcrf.org