Eli Fulkerson .com HomeProjectsD5000_thermocouple

Python module for interfacing with D5000 series thermocouple


This is a python module for interfacing with a D5000 series data acquisition module. It was written to provide a python interface for the D5000 Series command set via the serial port. Included are a small suite of programs which provide usage examples and a simple tcp/ip client/server for remote readings.

In order to use this module you must have pySerial installed: it does all the heavy lifting. Pyserial is available here.

This module is largely based on an older project of mine: tsb (telnet to serial bridge). If you are looking for a more general purpose pySerial example, you might want to look there.


  • Tested on Win32. Will probably work with no modification on any playform that supports Python2.3 and the pyserial module.

  • The Module:


    This is the module itself. It provides the classes 'sensor' and 'module'. In this vocabulary, a 'sensor' maps to the physical d5000 device that is attached to the serial port, and a 'module' refers to a specific query-able device attached to the 'sensor' at a specified address.


    Usage: sensorname = d5000_sensor("OPTIONS")
    ... connects to a d5000 series sensor with the specified com port addressing:
    Serial Options:
       -p, --port     :  Specify the desired serial port.
                         (0 for COM1, 1 for COM2 etc)
       -r, --baudrate :  Specify baudrate
       -s, --bytesize :  Specify bytesize
       -y, --parity   :  Specify parity options
       -b, --stopbits :  Specify number of stopbits
       -t, --timeout  :  Specify timeout
       -f, --flow     :  Specify flow-control options
    ... once thats done, you can use:
    sensorname.sendcmd("command", "address", "prompt") to query the device.  The raw response on the serial port
    is returned, you have to handle that yourself.  Spec says its just a string, so that should be fine.

    Example 1: stresstest

    Download: stress_sensor.py

    This script is essentially a timing run. It was used during testing to see what kinds of speed could be expected from the module. Optimizing for speed turned out to be largely fruitless: the largest slice of time was the delay when waiting for the response over the serial port.


    C:\Documents and Settings\Eli\Desktop>c:\Python23\python.exe stress_sensor.py
    Stress Sensor
    Connect to the thermocouple over and over and display how long the
    readings take to complete.
    Initializing the com port...
    Setting up the individual module...
    Sending the command 'RD'...
    Output from the RD command is:  *+00022.00
    Now, sending the RD command 10 times...
    Done!  We took: 0.259577683756 s, thats 0.0259577683756 s per reading
    Now, sending the RD command 10 times...
    Done!  We took: 0.255531359433 s, thats 0.0255531359433 s per reading
    Now, sending the RD command 10 times...
    Done!  We took: 0.256611105601 s, thats 0.0256611105601 s per reading
    Now, sending the RD command 100 times...
    Done!  We took: 2.88553461404 s, thats 0.0288553461404 s per reading
    Now, sending the RD command 1000 times...
    Done!  We took: 29.4128815254 s, thats 0.0294128815254 s per reading

    Example 2: watch temperature

    Download: watch_temperature.py

    An example script for taking readings over time. It loops forever, printing a line to the console if it detects a change in temperature.


    (while forcing a change in readings by holding and then releasing the lead)

    C:\Documents and Settings\Eli\Desktop>c:\Python23\python.exe watch_temperature.py
    Watch Temperature
    Connect to thermocouple on COM1 and take continuous readings,
    reporting any changes to the console.
    Starting Example... press control-c to exit
    Temperature UP..... current - 22.0   min - 22.0   max - 22.0
    Temperature UP..... current - 23.0   min - 22.0   max - 23.0
    Temperature UP..... current - 24.0   min - 22.0   max - 24.0
    Temperature UP..... current - 25.0   min - 22.0   max - 25.0
    Temperature UP..... current - 26.0   min - 22.0   max - 26.0
    Temperature UP..... current - 27.0   min - 22.0   max - 27.0
    Temperature DOWN... current - 26.0   min - 22.0   max - 27.0
    Temperature DOWN... current - 25.0   min - 22.0   max - 27.0
    Temperature DOWN... current - 24.0   min - 22.0   max - 27.0
    Temperature DOWN... current - 23.0   min - 22.0   max - 27.0

    Example 3: tcp/ip client/server

    Download: client_example.py

    Download: thermoserver.py

    An example client/server pair for reading thermocouple readings remotely over the network. (thermoserver could also be used with e.g. telnet, its just spitting raw text through the socket when a connection is made). The server will run forever, spitting out the current reading when it is queried and then closing the connection.
