'bs'* is a repeatable 'suppression' grep, used in cases where you are for instance repeatably working over the same output and adding an additional "| grep -v blah" to the pipeline every cycle.
Specifically, this script was written to handle the output of 'searchsploit' while working on my OSCP/OSCE, so that I could individually exclude results from future exections of searchsploit without having to manually keep track of what I had ruled out.
|bs ... will drop out all lines that have matches bs a b c ...will add 'a', 'b' and 'c' to the matched terms bs -d a -d b c ... will delete 'a', delete 'b' and add c to the matched terms, etc bs --list ... lists all the matched terms bs --clear ... deletes all the matched terms
Listing directory https://download.elifulkerson.com/files/bs/0.1:bs June 20 2019 15:22:42 2000 Python script, ASCII text executable
bs.asc July 03 2019 15:44:15 801 GnuPG signature
bs.md5 July 03 2019 15:44:15 37 MD5 checksum
bs.sha1 July 03 2019 15:44:15 45 SHA1 checksum
bs.sha256 July 03 2019 15:44:15 69 SHA256 checksum
bs.sha512 July 03 2019 15:44:15 133 SHA512 checksum ↩ Browse the download server