Eli Fulkerson
This is my personal site, nothing on it should be taken to represent any current or former employer.
Software Projects
Most popular: mturoute, tcping, tcproute, rawsniff, sounder
Most recent updates:- 2023-01-09: /articles/hexadecimal-hackpad.php
- 2023-01-03: /articles/net-snmp-windows-binary-unofficial.php
- 2022-08-29: /CVE-2022-32429/index.html
- 2022-06-23: /projects/warpzone.php
- 2022-06-23: /projects/tcproute.php
- 2022-06-23: /projects/killabit.php
- 2022-01-21: /projects/clip-and-dip.php
- 2020-09-14: /projects/commandline-byte-converter.php
- 2020-08-28: /articles/personal-photos-...-honest.php
- 2020-06-25: /projects/chkssl.php
Other things that I've written.
Email Address:

Note that if you are sending me zipped patches or binary attachments the email server may quietly reject them. Try again with plain text if I do not respond.
Public Key:
I am starting to sign my software with this gpg key. If it came from the download.elifulkerson.com subdomain it should have a signature and hashes next to it.
Have I saved you time or money? Paypal Link or even better - donate at bcrf.org