# # subnet_allocator.py by Eli Fulkerson # # http://www.elifulkerson.com # import string def drawsubnet (draw_from, draw_to, interesting, networknumber, count=0): spacer = " " * count antispacer = " " * (20 - count) number_of_hosts = num_hosts(32 - draw_from) + " hosts" networks_under = pow(2,(draw_to - draw_from)) if networks_under > 1: networks_under = str(networks_under) networks_under = " - (" + networks_under + " /" + str(draw_to) + "'s under)" else: networks_under = "" net = base10_to_ip(networknumber) mask = subnetmask(draw_from) allocatee = whats_allocated(net,mask) if (draw_from <= draw_to or draw_from == interesting or allocatee): if not allocatee: allocatee = "" else: allocatee = " - " + allocatee print spacer + "/" + str(draw_from) + antispacer + net + " - " + mask +" - "+ number_of_hosts + allocatee + networks_under if (draw_from < 30): drawsubnet(draw_from+1, draw_to, interesting, networknumber + 0, count+1) drawsubnet(draw_from+1, draw_to, interesting, networknumber + pow(2, (32-draw_from))/2, count+1) def whats_allocated(networknumber, subnetmask): "Dirty little hack to stick some generic data into the output" n = networknumber m = subnetmask if (n == "" and m == ""): return "New York /22" elif (n == "" and m == ""): return "Los Angeles /22" elif (n == "" and m == ""): return "Chicago /22" elif (n == "" and m == ""): return "Management Networks" elif (n == "" and m == ""): return "Management network A" elif (n == "" and m == ""): return "Management network B" elif (n == "" and m == ""): return "Administrivia" else: return 0 def num_hosts(bits): return str(pow(2,bits)-2) def subnetmask(bits): "Convert.. for instance, 24 to ''" ones = bits zeros = 32 - bits mask = ("1" * ones) + ("0" * zeros) mask = int(mask, 2) mask = base10_to_ip(mask) return mask def ip_to_base10(ip): "Given an IP address, convert to base10 integer" octets = string.split(ip, ".") total = 0 total += int(octets[3]) total += int(octets[2]) * 256 total += int(octets[1]) * 65536 total += int(octets[0]) * 16777216 return total def base10_to_ip(num): "Given an integer, convert to base2 dotted quad" oct1 = num / 16777216 num = num % 16777216 oct2 = num / 65536 num = num % 65536 oct3 = num / 256 num = num % 256 oct4 = num return str(oct1) + "." + str(oct2) + "." + str(oct3) + "." + str(oct4) #The network number to start with... start = ip_to_base10("") #An 'interesting' network size will always be shown, regardless if its used interesting = 22 #The network size to start drawing from ( 0 to 30) draw_from = 17 #the network size to stop drawing at (0 to 30, should be smaller (in size... /0 is largest, /30 smallest) than draw_from) draw_to = 18 #OK, draw it drawsubnet(draw_from, draw_to, interesting, start) #start = ip_to_base10("") #drawsubnet(20,24, start)